Australian scientists test new method of using human waste to grow crops in poor soil 

Scientists improve wheat yields by up to 65 percent using fertilizer created from processed human waste Researchers from Federation University studied ways to improve local soil They treated Australia’s clay-heavy farmland with fertilizer from human waste  They found wheat yields increased between 55 and 65 percent in two locations  By Michael Thomsen For Published: … Read more

Penguins are given a chance to explore Singapore zoo after lack of human contact left them bored 

This is flipping fun! Penguins are given a chance to explore Singapore zoo after lack of human contact left them bored Singapore State Zoo is closed to the public during the Covid-19 pandemic   Penguin keepers decided to give the creatures a free run of the empty complex  They were apparently unimpressed by the climbing frames … Read more

NASA chooses SpaceX, Blue Origin and Dynetics to design human landing systems for Artemis mission

NASA’s Artemis mission that is set to land the first woman and next man on the moon has just turned into a space race between billionaires. Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin and Elon Musk’s SpaceX have been chosen to develop human landing systems for the mission set to launch in 2024. Along with the two tech … Read more

Experimental cancer drug is fast-tracked into human coronavirus trials

Bemcentinib, an experimental Norwegian cancer drug has become the first to be fast-tracked into UK Government-funded coronavirus trials An experimental Norwegian cancer drug has become the first of six promising coronavirus treatments to be fast-tracked into human coronavirus trials in the UK. The medication, called bemcentinib, could be tested on 120 hospitalised COVID-19 sufferers at … Read more

Matt Hancock announces coronavirus drug has progressed in human trials

Health Secretary Matt Hancock revealed today that one of six drugs being trialled to tackle coronavirus in the UK is being tested on patients. Though the Department of Health didn’t name the drug being pushed to the second phase of testing, they did reveal that compounds Bemcetinib, MEDI3506 and Acalabrutinib are being looked at to … Read more

Shape of human teeth can help to reconstruct genetic relationships

Shape of human TEETH can reveal the owner’s genetic history and could be used to identify people in forensic investigations and trace the evolution of our species using fossils Researchers assessed different traits of teeth and their combinations  Found links between physical characteristics and genetic links in other studies   Claim teeth can be used to … Read more

Scientists discover human gene that can help damaged tissues in the heart repair themselves 

Scientists discover human gene that can help damaged tissues in the heart repair themselves Scientists have found a way to repair heart muscles in a medical breakthrough  Came after researchers targeted gene that can cause cancerous cells to spread They found when it becomes active in heart it helps to mend damaged tissues By Colin … Read more

Julian Assange to use human rights laws to fight US extradition after fathering children at embassy 

Julian Assange plots to use human rights laws to fight extradition to US after fathering two children while living at Ecuadorian embassy Assange could use human rights laws to fight his extradition to the United States Legal team could use right to family life with Morris and two sons to bolster case  Miss Morris revealed … Read more

The most serious story of my lifetime – and I looked like a human pumpkin…

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 In the spirit of April Fool’s Day, I accidentally selected the wrong make-up in the Good Morning Britain studio at 5am today (we’re self-facially-decorating now) and painted myself bright orange. I only realised when viewers bombarded me on Twitter with pictures of my head next to one of perma-tanned President Trump with … Read more

China is appointed position on UN Human Rights Council despite long-record of human rights

China has been been given a place on the UN Human Rights Council despite a long-record of human rights abuses. The coronavirus outbreak originated in China late last year, reportedly in the ‘wet’ livestock markets in the city of Wuhan.  The country has recorded 3,326 deaths from coronavirus and 81,639 cases but many speculate that … Read more