Space: Scientists capture a star being devoured by a supermassive black hole 

Death by ‘spaghettification’: Scientists capture a star being shredded into thin streams of gas as it is devoured by a supermassive black hole The extreme gravitational forces from the black hole tore material off of the star Normally, these so-called ‘tidal disruption events’ are hidden by clouds of dust This obscuring matter comes from the … Read more

Ozone hole over the Antarctic is one of the largest and deepest in recent years

The ozone hole over the Antarctic has reached its 2020 peak and is one of the largest holes of recent years.  Ozone depletion over the frozen continent was first spotted in 1985 and over the last 35 years various measures have been introduced to try and shrink the hole.  Every August, at the start of … Read more

Pregnant Stassi Schroeder says her baby girl has a ‘hole in her heart’

Pregnant Stassi Schroeder reveals her baby girl has a ‘hole in her heart’ as she describes the diagnosis as ‘hell on earth’ By Heather Waugh For Published: 16:40 BST, 2 October 2020 | Updated: 16:41 BST, 2 October 2020 Stassi Schroeder has revealed her baby girl has a hole in her heart. The reality … Read more

Shadow cast by a supermassive black hole supports Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity

Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity – the idea that gravity is matter warping spacetime- has faced more than 100 years of scrutiny, but a new discovery may hold wait to the physicist’s hypothesis. Researchers at the University of Arizona uncovered a ‘shadow’ cast by the supermassive black hole, known as M87, which proves Einstein … Read more

First black hole ever photographed ‘appears to be wobbling’

The M87* black hole that was famously photographed by astronomers last year appears to be wobbling, a new study claims. As it rotates, ‘turbulence’ in the flow of matter being sucked in to the dark central void alters the brightest spot of its surrounding orange ring over time, giving the illusion that it’s wobbling or … Read more

Ellen Pompeo wears a T-shirt with a large HOLE in it as she walks with friends in LA

Ellen Pompeo wears a T-shirt with a large HOLE in it as she walks with friends in LA during a break from shooting season 17 of Grey’s Anatomy By Sarah Abraham For Published: 17:57 BST, 24 September 2020 | Updated: 18:21 BST, 24 September 2020 She recently began shooting season 17 of her long-standing … Read more

City councils suffer a £40million Covid-19 parking fine black hole

Britain’s cities suffer a £40MILLION Covid-19 parking fine black hole: Councils saw revenues plunge by 71% between April and June Fall in fine revenues has been revealed for UK authorities between April and June Revenues sank from £55.7million in 2019 to just £16.6million this year London boroughs lost out on a massive £31.8million due to … Read more

Monster black hole 150 times heavier than the Sun detected using gravitational waves

Astronomers have detected a monster black hole 150 times heavier than our Sun as a result of the energy wave produced when two smaller black holes merged.  Researchers using the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors spotted a wave with eight times the energy of the Sun coming from 17 billion light years away. This energetic … Read more

Will BT’s pension black hole scupper the vulture funds?

Laid low by a flagging share price, BT is now feared to be an attractive target for vulture funds that could swoop in and pick it to pieces.  The former state telecoms monopoly, privatised by Margaret Thatcher, was worth £49billion four years ago but its value has since been diminished to just over £10billion.  Yet … Read more

Ghost town London’s £5.7BILLION black hole: Taxpayers face bill as lost fares leave TfL £3.5bn short

The coronavirus pandemic has left the Greater London area with an estimated £5.7billion black hole in its public finances – after the lockdown and work from home economy sapped £575million a day from the capital’s economy in a £66.9billion hammer blow. Now taxpayers face having to pick up the bill for the lost revenue in … Read more