Joe Biden will lay a wreath at Arlington with former presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama

Joe Biden will lay a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery shortly after he takes the oath of office with former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama joining him in a show of unity. Jill Biden will also be there as will Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, … Read more

Donald Trump launches another tweet storm of fraud allegations which have failed in court

President Donald Trump began Thursday, the 16th day since Election Day and the 12th since networks called the presidential race for Joe Biden, once again railing against election fraud despite a string of defeats in court. Trump again called the election ‘rigged,’ and said there is ‘no way’ Democrats could have defeated him. For the … Read more

Trump sadly sings ‘macho man’ on the piano as Jim Carrey reprises Ace Ventura in SNL cold open

Donald Trump’s expected concession speech was mocked on Saturday Night Live, with Alec Baldwin taking to the piano to sadly sing ‘Macho Man’.  And Jim Carey, reappearing as Joe Biden, channeled his classic Ace Ventura character to call Trump a ‘loser’, to the delight of fans.  The episode was hosted by Dave Chappelle, who also … Read more

Hillary Clinton celebrates a ‘new page for America’ as Joe Biden is elected

Hillary Clinton celebrates a ‘new page for America’ as Joe Biden defeats Trump to become the next President, four years after her crushing defeat Clinton tweeted on Saturday that the ‘voters had spoken’ by electing Joe Biden  She had advocated for him to win for months in pleas to the country  Biden’s win comes four … Read more

US Election 2020: How Joe Biden could make trouble for Boris Johnson

How Joe Biden could make trouble for Boris Johnson, the leader he still has not met Boris Johnson will have to start any relationship with Joe Biden from scratch  PM hamstrung over ‘strict’ rule from Biden camp about discussions with leaders Biden is internationalist who knows to put global cooperation above party political feuds  By … Read more

US Election 2020: Joe Biden breaks 2008 Obama popular vote record

Massive voter turnout has led Democratic nominee Joe Biden to receive more votes for president than any other candidate in US history with 70million counted so far, breaking Barack Obama’s 2008 popular vote record.  The former Vice President racked up more than 70,470,044 votes as of Wednesday at 3.20pm EST, surpassing Obama’s popular vote total … Read more

Nevada results could come on Thursday after officials delay count

Biden leads by less than 1% in Nevada – but results aren’t expected until THURSDAY because officials won’t start counting remaining ballots until midday Results from the state were originally expected late on election night with Joe Biden currently up 0.6% But officials stopped reporting results and said they would begin counting remaining ballots on … Read more

Downing Street anxiously awaits US election result between Trump and Biden

Downing Street anxiously awaits US election verdict as Dominic Raab admits there are different ‘opportunities and risks’ between Trump and Biden but says Special Relationship can thrive with either Dominic Raab said US election too close to call but voiced confidence in system  Admitted there are different ‘opportunities and risks’ between the candidates Insisted Special … Read more

Downing Street anxiously awaits US election verdict

Downing Street anxiously awaits US election verdict as Dominic Raab admits there are different ‘opportunities and risks’ between Trump and Biden but says Special Relationship can thrive with either Dominic Raab said US election too close to call but voiced confidence in system  Admitted there are different ‘opportunities and risks’ between the candidates Insisted Special … Read more

Biden secures first Election Day victory while Trump takes second in two New Hampshire towns

Joe Biden secured the first Election Day victory while Trump took the second as two tiny New Hampshire towns with a combined population of 26 announced the first US results just after midnight.  Dixville Notch posted its final tally – with all five votes going to Biden – on a handwritten poster board at 12.03am … Read more