Georgian manor house once owned by Henry VIII’s brother goes on market for £1.7million 

Fit for royalty! Georgian manor house once owned by Henry VIII’s brother Arthur Prince of Wales goes on market for £1.7million Kateshill House was originally part of Tickenhill Manor home of Henry VII’s eldest son Arthur Prince of Wales The Grade II property is currently run as an award-winning B&B with a chestnut tree at … Read more

Georgian manor house once owned by Henry VIII’s brother goes on market for £1.7million 

Fit for royalty! Georgian manor house once owned by Henry VIII’s brother Arthur Prince of Wales goes on market for £1.7million Kateshill House was originally part of Tickenhill Manor home of Henry VII’s eldest son Arthur Prince of Wales The Grade II property is currently run as an award-winning B&B with a chestnut tree at … Read more

HENRY DEEDES watches Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s budget speech

To paraphrase an old joke: An Etonian, a Harrovian and a Wykehamist and are sitting in a bar when a woman walks in. The Etonian says: ‘Fetch her a chair.’ The Harrovian fetches it. The Wykehamist sits in it. Winchester alumnus Rishi Sunak didn’t pull off quite such a dastardly move yesterday. No. He was … Read more

HENRY DEEDES watches the former Prime Minister’s parliamentary committee appearance 

After prime ministers waddle out of Downing Street for the final time there’s a tendency for their looks to, well, go to pot. Think Gordon Brown’s haunted features or Tony Blair’s stocking-over-the head visage. So when David Cameron appeared before the Joint Committee on National Security Strategy yesterday I was expecting an ungainly mass of … Read more

Henry VIII castle collapses into sea as it is battered by storms a week before work was due to begin

East wing of Henry VIII’s Hurst Castle collapses into the sea after being battered by heavy seas one week before work was due to begin to strengthen its defences  East wing of 16th Century castle dramatically crumbled into the sea on Friday  The incident happened just days before planned works to shore up foundations  Two … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Old pals? Alex Salmond said Nicola Sturgeon did him up like an Arbroath kipper 

As acts of revenge go, it was sleep with the fishes, severed horse head in the bed stuff.  A Sicilian double-tap to the temple. Godfather author Mario Puzo would have struggled to concoct anything quite so vicious. Alex Salmond’s long-awaited appearance in front of the Scottish parliament’s harassment committee was savage, with no holds barred. … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Gavin WIlliamson’s credibility problem

It’s hard to look at Gavin Williamson without seeing him wearing dunce’s hat: HENRY DEEDES watches the Education Secretary’s statement in Parliament By Henry Deedes for the Daily Mail Published: 22:06 GMT, 25 February 2021 | Updated: 22:12 GMT, 25 February 2021 Just as confidence in the Government is returning to vaguely respectable levels, enter … Read more

HENRY DEEDES sees Boris Johnson’s shorter hair get its first public airing at PMQs 

Boris had undergone a snip. No, not the sort of painful chop that dog of his clearly needs. Ouch! Heavens, no. I’m talking about a haircut. With the nation’s nimble-wristed crimpers barred from wielding their scissors for another two months, Carrie had apparently grown impatient with her fiance’s mop and attacked the unruly mess herself. … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Dogged by doubt, doom-monger Sages have got Boris Johnson on the run

Boris Johnson opened up the shutters but it was just a crack, a chink, a cigarette paper-slim slit. May as well have kept them slammed shut for all the good it did. Four more months. Another four months of pettifogging rules and restrictions. Our emergence from this year of hell will not so much be … Read more

HENRY DEEDES watches the Health Secretary at the Downing Street press conference 

Blimey, Del Boy Hancock has struck it lucky again. He’s scored a whole bunch of testing kits off some outfit called Surescreen. A sun lotion firm? Don’t be a plonker, Rodders. Nah, they’re a top-class healthcare firm in Derby. Cushty. And the Health Sec had only gone and scored 20million of the things. Lovely jubbly! … Read more