France proposes harsh new law that would make it illegal to hot rod e-bikes

France proposes harsh new law that would make it illegal to hot rod e-bikes to make them go faster, punishable by up to a year in prison, a $34,000 fine, and a three year license suspension A new law in France makes it a crime to hot-rod e-bikes to make them go faster The legal … Read more

Why isn’t my money good enough in this harsh cashless Tesco? 

Welcome to the brave new world of cashless shopping – where Big Brother keeps an eye on your supermarket basket and you are served by robots rather than a friendly face. In the heart of the City of London, where pinstriped fat cats rub shoulders with riff-raff like me, is a Tesco Express store.  Nothing … Read more

Prosecutors say Harvey Weinstein deserves a harsh sentence

Harvey Weinstein should get a long prison sentence that reflects a ‘lifetime of abuse’ shown at his rape trial and in 36 other sexual harassment cases, NYC prosecutors urge judge Prosecutors asked for a harsh prison sentence for Weinstein on Friday Said he had spent a lifetime abusing others, sexually and otherwise Weinstein was convicted … Read more