Tom Cruise’s Mission Impossible crew ‘fear whether they’ll be stranded abroad as UK closes borders’

‘It’s a nightmare’: Tom Cruise’s Mission Impossible crew ‘fear whether they’ll be stranded abroad as UK closes borders… after THAT on-set rant’ By Laura Fox For Mailonline Published: 11:27 GMT, 30 January 2021 | Updated: 11:27 GMT, 30 January 2021 Tom Cruise’s Mission Impossible crew have branded production a ‘nightmare’ as they fear being stranded … Read more

Images reveal fear of children and families as hundreds of Hungarian Jews are led into Auschwitz

Their faces etched with fear, Jewish children and mothers carrying toddlers walk unknowingly to their horrendous fate. These innocent victims were among around 1.1million people murdered by the Nazis at Auschwitz-Birkenau, near the town of Oswiecim, in what was then occupied Poland.  The victims at Auschwitz were among 6million Jews who were murdered by Adolf … Read more

I fear ditching dose timetable could prove a costly mistake, writes expert PROFESSOR HERB SEWELL 

There is no doubt that it is an extraordinary achievement to have vaccinated so many people in such a short time. Almost five million have now had injections, and vaccines are certainly the way out of the pandemic crisis. But I firmly believe that they should be used as they were intended to be. And … Read more

Half of all cancer patients fear delays caused by Covid-19 will hinder their chances of survival 

Almost half of all cancer patients fear delays caused by Covid-19 pandemic will hinder their chances of survival More than 100,000 people in the UK are currently undergoing cancer treatment A survey says 40 per cent fear Covid has harmed their chances of survival Macmillan Cancer Support says delays are having a ‘catastrophic impact’ By … Read more

Indonesia quake death toll rises to 73 as experts fear fresh quake could bring tsunami 

The death toll from an earthquake that struck Indonesia’s West Sulawesi province on Friday has risen to 73 as experts warn another quake could trigger a tsunami.  More than 820 people were injured and over 27,800 fled their homes after the 6.2-magnitude quake hit, a spokesman from the disaster mitigation agency (BNPB) said.  Some sought … Read more

Fox execs fear a shake-up as Rupert Murdoch returns to the US thanks to vaccine courtesy of NHS

Fox executives are said to be fearful a shake-up is on the cards as Rupert Murdoch heads back to the US thanks to the COVID-19 vaccine, courtesy of the UK’s NHS.  The media mogul, who will turn 90 in March, got the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine in recent days, sources told The Daily Beast.   … Read more

Doctors fear ‘fake news’ is causing South Asian people to reject Covid vaccine

Doctors have expressed fears over ‘fake news’ causing South Asian people to reject the Covid vaccine over false claims that the jabs contain alcohol or meat and can alter patients’ DNA. Dr Harpreet Sood, who is a Global Digital Health Advisor, said language and cultural boundaries are partly responsible for the false material. The practising … Read more

Doctors fear ‘fake news’ is causing BAME people to reject Covid vaccine

Doctors fear ‘fake news’ is causing BAME people to reject Covid vaccine over claims the jabs contain alcohol or meat and can alter patients’ DNA Dr Harpreet Sood said cultural boundaries are partly responsible for false news He is part of NHS anti-disinformation campaign with South Asian influencers Doctor said it ‘needs to be clear’ … Read more

Coming to a supermarket near you? Retailers fear Northern Ireland-style food shortages

Ministers are drawing up plans to allow supermarket lorries to bypass queues at the Channel ports amid fears of food shortages in the UK. Certain vehicles will be given access to open lanes on the M20 in Kent during delays at the Port of Dover and the Eurotunnel terminal in order to cross the Channel, … Read more

Price of homes soars by £14k in six months but experts fear it could fade as stamp duty holiday ends

Price of a home soars by £14k in just six months… but experts fear boom could fade away once stamp duty holiday ends Average price of a home in the UK jumped to record £252,211 at the end of 2020 Market was ‘turbocharged’ by Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s stamp duty holiday  Biggest regional annual rise was … Read more