Fall like an Egyptian… Stunning video footage shows skydivers dropping in on the Pyramids at Giza 

Fall like an Egyptian… Stunning video footage shows skydivers dropping in on the Pyramids at Giza Yair Gallardo, 43, jumped from an Egyptian Air Force C-130 over the Pyramids He and his team were granted permission for the jump into the historic site  The Mexican daredevil free fell with the team until the pyramids were … Read more

2,000-year-old mummy found in Egypt has a gold tongue to speak to the god of dead in the afterlife

Archaeologists digging at the ancient Egyptian site Taposiris Magna unearthed 16 burials in rock-cut tombs, with one containing a mummy bearing a tongue made of gold. The team speculates that after the person’s tongue was removed during embalming it was replaced with the object so the deceased could speak to Osiris in the afterlife. The … Read more

Archaeologists announce treasure trove including 50 sarcophogi and Book of the Dead scroll

An ancient funerary temple is among a new trove of ‘major discoveries’ that have been unearthed by archaeologists in Egypt. The temple of Queen Neit, who was the wife of King Teti, the first king of the Sixth Dynasty that ruled Egypt between 2323 BC and 2150 BC, was found by a team of archaeologists … Read more

1,400-year-old Byzantine tombstone inscribed ‘Blessed Maria’ found in Israel

A tombstone dating back more than 1,400 years ago was uncovered accidentally by a park worker in southern Israel clearing a nature trail. The stone, dated to the late 6th or early seventh century, is inscribed in Greek and reads ‘Blessed Maria, who lived an immaculate life,’ with her death date listed as February 9. … Read more

Alphabet: Canaanite miners in Ancient Egypt made simple letters from intricate hieroglyphs

The alphabet was invented by illiterate Canaanite miners in ancient Egypt who turned elaborate hieroglyphs into basic letters 4,000 years ago, a study claimed. In 2006, Egyptologist Orly Goldwasser argued that symbols on artefacts from a temple in the Sinai are prototypes of the letters that we use to read and write today. While it had … Read more

Rita Ora is ‘quietly DROPPED from EE and Apple ad campaign’ after flouting lockdown and quarantine

Rita Ora has reportedly been axed as the face of the latest EE and Apple campaign. The singer, 30, starred in the augmented-reality ad to celebrate the launch of the Apple 12 Pro in November, but hit the headlines shortly after when she was caught flouting strict COVID-19 rules twice. It’s now said that she has been ‘quietly … Read more

Woman is reunited with her family after disappearing nearly 30 years ago

A woman has been reunited with her family after disappearing nearly 30 years ago when she was involved in a car crash in Cyprus that left her in a coma with no recollection of her life before. The children of Lee-Tracey Miley, 54, had not seen her since the summer of 1991 when she left … Read more

Finding ‘God’s Land’: Archaeologists analyze 3,300-year-old mummified remains to find ancient Punt

Ancient Egyptians traveled great distances to the magical Land of Punt to obtain extravagant goods like incense and living baboons, but the true location of this wondrous place has been a mystery to scientists for more than a century -until now. A team from Dartmouth College has set out to find what ancient Egyptian’s called … Read more

Lost 5,000-year-old artefact from the Great Pyramid of Giza is found in a Scottish CIGAR TIN

Lost 5,000-year-old artefact from the Great Pyramid of Giza is found in a Scottish CIGAR TIN by Egyptian archaeologist The wood is one of three objects recovered from in the Great Pyramid of Giza Two other relics – a ball and hook – are currently housed at the British Museum They are know as the … Read more

Unicef fears backlash over Rita Ora’s lockdown breach three months after she appealed for donations

Unicef fears backlash over Rita Ora’s lockdown breach three months after she appealed for donations to help youngsters hit by coronavirus Ora, who turned 30 this month, has helped Unicef to campaign during virus But the charity appeared to distance itself from the singer after her refusal to isolate following a jaunt to Egypt to … Read more