Son prevented from visiting dying mother in care home ‘because she has weeks left to live’

A heartbroken son has been prevented from visiting his dying dementia-hit mother in a Welsh care home because she has weeks left to live rather than days, he claims.  Ryan Mee said he was told he can only see his mother Gillian Mee, 68, in her ‘last days’ rather than in her final weeks under … Read more

Police launch hunt for maskless Covid denier who tried to take dying patient from intensive care

Police have launched a hunt for a maskless Covid denier who tried to take a dying patient from intensive care against doctors’ orders.   Toby Hayden-Leigh, 45, from Maidstone, Kent, was joined by a group of people who refused to wear masks inside East Surrey Hospital and then became abusive towards staff on January 21.     A … Read more

Man dragged out by security after trying to take dying patient home against doctors’ orders

This is the moment a maskless conspiracy theorist tries to take a dying elderly Covid patient home from a hospital ward against doctors’ orders, before he is dragged out by security guards. Tobe Hayden Leigh launched a tirade of foul-mouthed abuse as he was frogmarched from the acute respiratory care unit at East Surrey Hospital … Read more

Heavy smokers face nearly DOUBLE risk of dying of COVID-19 compared to people who have never smoked

Heavy smokers face nearly DOUBLE the risk of being hospitalized for COVID-19 or dying compared to people who have never smoked, study finds Researchers looked at more than 7,000 coronavirus patients, including more than 6,000 never-smokers and the rest being current or former smokers  Patients who had been smoking at least one pack per day … Read more

NHS algorithm used to spot which Covid patients are most at risk of dying isn’t accurate

NHS algorithm used to spot people most at risk of dying or being admitted to intensive care performs ‘poorly’ on Covid-19 patients, study finds NEWS2 is an algorithm used almost universally across the NHS   It gives a score to a patient which indicates how likely they are to deteriorate  But King’s College London researchers found ‘poor-to-moderate’ performance when used … Read more

Jackie O says she ‘often’ thinks about co-host Kyle Sandilands dying

Radio presenter Kyle Sandilands’ health has been a cause for concern for years, and now it seems his colleagues have a loose plan in place for his untimely death. His co-host Jackie ‘O’ Henderson revealed on Thursday they would ‘go off the air immediately’ if Kyle were to die during a live broadcast. She admitted … Read more

Woman defends dying her dog with bright colours but is branded ‘cruel and irresponsible’

A woman who dyes her dog various bright colours has defended colouring her pet’s fur, claiming it helps her pet ‘come out of her shell’.  Nicole Rose, 35, from Ontario, Canada, appeared on This Morning today where she insisted that her rescue dog, Stella, loves having her hair coloured with a myriad of psychedelic designs.  … Read more

Cannabis extracts may reduce the risk of dying from Covid-19

Cannabis extracts may reduce the risk of dying from Covid-19 by stopping the immune system attacking itself Canadian researchers tested seven cannabis extracts on cytokine levels   Cytokines are produced naturally by the immune system in response to infection But in Covid-19 patients their immune system makes too many cytokines  This so-called ‘cytokine storm’ can be fatal and … Read more

Astronomers look 9bn years into past and get photo of a dying galaxy

Amazing image shows a dying galaxy ejecting 10,000 Suns-worth of gas every year after a giant collision – weakening its ability to form stars Researchers observed the galaxy when the universe was 4.5 billion years old  The gas expelled was likely the result of an earlier merger with another galaxy  This gas leak effectively caused the galaxy … Read more

Astronomers capture amazing image of a dying galaxy

Amazing image shows a dying galaxy ejecting 10,000 Suns-worth of gas every year after a giant collision – weakening its ability to form stars Researchers observed the galaxy when the universe was 4.5 billion years old  The gas expelled was likely the result of an earlier merger with another galaxy  This gas leak effectively caused the galaxy … Read more