Woman, 24, who found a lump in her breast was dismissed doctors who said she was ‘too young’

After finding a lump in her breast in January 2018, Alexandria Whitaker did what we’re all told to do: go to your doctor.  But that simple step somehow became complicated. Then-24-year-old Alexandria, of Orlando, Florida, was brushed off.  It can’t be anything sinister, her doctor said, because you’re 24. For that reason, the doctor explained, … Read more

Woman, 23, has been left wheelchair bound after doctors dismissed her stroke symptoms as anxiety 

A woman says she has been left reliant on a wheelchair after doctors dismissed her stroke symptoms as anxiety. Drewy NovaClara Curious felt numb while driving with her husband Avery in June last year. The now 23-year-old went to hospital, where doctors spent hours trying to uncover what was wrong. They eventually sent her home, saying … Read more