Joe Biden to lay wreath at Arlington with Clinton, Bush and Obama

Joe Biden will lay a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery shortly after he takes the oath of office with former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama joining him in a show of unity. Jill Biden will also be there as will Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, … Read more

Democrats will force vote tomorrow demanding Mike Pence use the 25th Amendment

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leaders have set up fast-moving floor votes that that will force House Republicans to cast votes both on President Trump’s fitness for office and on whether to remove him during his final days in power. On Monday morning, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) sought to call up a … Read more

Mitch McConnell says Trump’s second Senate impeachment trial would begin on Biden’s inauguration day

House Rep. Ted Lieu of California announced on his Twitter feed on Saturday that 180 members of Congress have signed as co-sponsors of the article of impeachment that he helped draft alongside fellow House Reps. Jamie Raskin and David Cicilline House Democrats on Monday will circulate an article of impeachment charging President Trump with ‘incitement … Read more

Lindsey Graham begs Joe Biden to order Nancy Pelosi not to impeach Donald Trump again

Lindsey Graham has begged Joe Biden to call off a second impeachment, insisting that Donald Trump should be given credit for having made a ‘helpful’ statement, and pleading with Biden that impeachment ‘will destroy the country even further.’  The South Carolina senator appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show on Friday night, hours after the … Read more

Joe Biden ‘agrees’ with Donald Trump’s decision to miss inauguration

Joe Biden indicated Friday he was glad Donald Trump wasn’t coming to his inauguration on January 20th. ‘One of the few things he and I have ever agreed on. It’s a good thing him not showing up,’ he said at a press conference. Trump announced Friday that he will snub Biden’s inauguration ceremony, a break … Read more

Joe Biden says ‘that’s one of the few things we agree on’ after Donald Trump snubs his inauguration

Joe Biden indicated Friday he was glad Donald Trump wasn’t coming to his inauguration on January 20th. ‘One of the few things he and I have ever agreed on. It’s a good thing him not showing up,’ he said at a press conference. Trump announced Friday that he will snub Biden’s inauguration ceremony, a break … Read more

Joe Biden says ‘that’s one of the few things we agree on’ after Donald Trump snubs his inauguration

Joe Biden indicated Friday he was glad Donald Trump wasn’t coming to his inauguration on January 20th. ‘One of the few things he and I have ever agreed on. It’s a good thing him not showing up,’ he said at a press conference. Trump announced Friday that he will snub Biden’s inauguration ceremony, a break … Read more

Nancy Pelosi says Donald Trump must resign IMMEDIATELY or he will be impeached

House Democrats held a conference call Friday to discuss a plan to rush through articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump in the final 13 days of his presidency – with leaders saying the votes are likely there for it. Leaders of both chambers, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Leader Charles Schumer – said they … Read more

Trump returns to Twitter to say he WON’T attend Biden inauguration

Donald Trump announced Friday he won’t be going to Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony on January 20th, while his remaining aides and allies have described him as a ‘total monster’ and ‘mad King George’ as his presidency ends in chaos. Trump isolated himself from his staff and the Republican Party, holed up in the Oval Office … Read more

Democrats join to decide on impeaching Donald Trump again

House Democrats held a conference call Friday to discuss a plan to rush through articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump in the final 13 days of his presidency – with leaders saying the votes are likely there for it. Leaders of both chambers, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Leader Charles Schumer – said they … Read more