HARRY COLE: Why did Jeremy Corbyn and his wife defy coronavirus rules? 

HARRY COLE: Why did Jeremy Corbyn and his wife defy coronavirus rules by going to PMQs? By Harry Cole For The Mail On Sunday Published: 01:31 BST, 26 April 2020 | Updated: 01:51 BST, 26 April 2020 ‘I would urge them to stay away,’ Sir Lindsay Hoyle told reconvening MPs last week. ‘There is no … Read more

Miracle twin girls defy 5% survival odds after doctors perform life-saving surgery in the womb

Miracle twin girls defied five per cent survival odds when doctors performed life-saving surgery while they were in the womb. Matilda and Felicity Harvey had twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, where one twin receives more blood supply than the other.  Keziah Harvey, 30, and her husband Jordan, 33, were told at 16 weeks pregnant that it was unlikely … Read more

Russia’s Orthodox Christians defy lockdown to go to Easter services

Orthodox Christians have defied coronavirus lockdown measures to gather outside Easter services as the nation’s infection rate today soared by 6,060 to 42,853. Worshippers gathered near to churches across Russia in a celebration of the festival on Sunday, as priests led processions around churchyards to mark the occasion.    Patriarch Kirill, who leads 150 million believers, held … Read more

Tens of thousands defy Bangladesh lockdown to attend Islamic preacher’s funeral

Tens of thousands defy Bangladesh lockdown to attend Islamic preacher’s funeral while children queue for free food in a Mumbai slum as coronavirus sweeps through subcontinent Estimated 100,000 people attended funeral of Jubayer Ahmad Ansari, 55, today People were pictured standing side by side in crowds in Sarail, east Bangladesh Country’s outbreak has begun to … Read more

‘Now’s the time to revolt’: Row as vicars threaten to defy Justin Welby’s orders to shut over Easter

Church of England vicars have threatened to defy the Archbishop of Canterbury’s orders to shut over Easter – claiming ‘now is the time to revolt’. Guidance issued by Justin Welby warned the clergy not to enter churches to film services or for solo prayer. Mr Welby prerecorded his Easter services from his kitchen, while other … Read more

Covidiots call police asking ‘can I wash my horse?’ as Briton’s defy government’s warnings

Britons across the nation are continuing to flout social distancing guidelines as the country tries to control the surge in coronavirus cases which has now hit 41,903. With temperatures set to soar to 20C in parts of the UK today, police fear that thousands more will flock to the country’s sun-soaked parks and beaches and … Read more

Coronavirus UK: ‘Covidiots’ defy lockdown with barbecue party

Footage shows a group of youths flouting the coronavirus lockdown rules as they pull up in two cars near a hospital, blaring loud music on a road filled with elderly residents. The footage was shot by an outraged local in Hillingdon Heath, west London, on a road near Hillingdon hospital this afternoon, who said the … Read more

Coronavirus UK: People STILL defy lockdown around the country

Members of the public are continuing to flout the government’s rules by heading out to sunbathe on the second day of the coronavirus lockdown. Footage has emerged showing police dispersing Britons gathering in parks and other public places, with people gathering despite strict advice to stay at home yo avoid the outbreak overwhelming the NHS. … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Parents defy Boris Johnson, keep kids at home

Head teachers reported significant pupil absences yesterday despite the Government not authorising school closures. They said as many as four in ten children were kept home by parents fearful of sending them to class. It came as Boris Johnson warned against big gatherings to curb the coronavirus spread but still refused to shut schools. On Monday … Read more