SARAH VINE: Sorry, I’m not blessed with Fiona Bruce’s steely resolve to shun Botox 

Fiona Bruce is almost unique among her generation of high-profile female presenters in that she has never — so she says — succumbed to the temptation of Botox. In an industry where frozen foreheads abound, she remains steadfastly untouched by the needle at 55, even though, as she puts it: ‘If you don’t do it, … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Coronavirus could be the greatest test we’ve had for a generation

At times of crisis most people will offer up thanks that they are not running the country, and that someone else is prepared to undertake such an unenviable task. For days many of us have been cavilling at Boris Johnson. What has he been doing? Was he really too occupied with his bride-to-be Carrie Symonds … Read more

Mark Casci: If you care about the North, Boris, then get up here!

As Boris Johnson once said: ‘There is something uniquely traumatic about being forced from your home by floods.’ These words were uttered by the Prime Minister last November – apparently with heartfelt sympathy – following a visit to Fishlake in South Yorkshire, then reeling from devastating flooding. Fast-forward to February and this devastation is starting … Read more

Biden boasts he can’t wait to debate Trump following ‘real comeback’ primary win in South Carolina

JOE BIDEN Age on Inauguration Day 2021: 78 Entered race: April 25, 2019 Career: No current role. A University of Delaware and Syracuse Law graduate, he was first elected to Newcastle City Council in 1969, then won upset election to Senate in 1972, aged 29. Was talked out of quitting before being sworn in when … Read more

AMANDA PLATELL: Stump up for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s protection? That’s rich! 

What a shock it must have been for the Duke of Sussex to learn that his adopted host nation Canada would no longer foot part of the bill for his family’s police protection. How could this be? Harry’s and Meghan’s bestie, PM Justin Trudeau, had welcomed them warmly in December. And the country is a … Read more

JOHN HUMPHRYS: We should fear the mob when even doctors can’t speak freely about their fears

There’s not a journalist in the land who hasn’t, at some time or another, asked this question: ‘Can I quote you on that?’ It invariably comes during a conversation with someone important who has said something pretty shocking. I had just such a conversation last week. It was with a senior, well-respected figure in the … Read more

Coronavirus is a deadly wake-up call, writes historian DOMINIC SANDBROOK

One day, long after the worst of the coronavirus pandemic is behind us, historians may see the last few days as the moment when the world tumbled into the abyss. On Thursday, the head of the World Health Organisation declared that mankind stood at a ‘decisive point’. The world faced ‘a crisis, an epidemic that … Read more

RICHARD EDEN: Princess Beatrice and fiance pick his three-year-old son Wolfie to be best man

The Queen has seen many things in her 68-year reign but she will never have witnessed anything like this. I can reveal that a three-year-old boy will be the best man at the wedding of her granddaughter Princess Beatrice. Bea’s fiance, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, has asked his son, Christopher [who is known as Wolfie], to do … Read more