Hackney comprehensive school eliminates bullying by banning football at breaktime

Hackney comprehensive school eliminates bullying by banning football at breaktime and introducing chess clubs, poetry recitals and quizzes instead Hackney New School, in London, has banned games like football during breaks Instead pupils at the secondary school take part in quizzes and poetry recitals Head teacher says there have only been five reports of bullying … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: In 20 years’ time Eton will be just a pricey Bog Lane comprehensive

Even the richest and most renowned of all the great public schools realised some time ago that, to be allowed to survive at all, they must submit to correction and purification. That is why the Eton teacher Will Knowland is now in trouble for expressing unfashionable opinions in a not-very-distinguished video The cleverest revolutions are … Read more

Sharks are ‘functionally extinct’ from one-in-five coral reefs, according to comprehensive survey

Sharks are ‘functionally extinct’ from one-in-five coral reefs, according to comprehensive three-year survey A global survey paints a gloomy portrait of reef sharks populations In a three-year survey of  371 reefs around the world scientists found that almost 20 percent didn’t harbor a single reef shark Overfishing and human populations density are the biggest factors … Read more