J&J´s 1-dose shot cleared, giving US 3rd COVID-19 vaccine

The U.S. is getting a third vaccine to prevent COVID-19, as the Food and Drug Administration on Saturday cleared a Johnson & Johnson shot that works with just one dose instead of two. Health experts had been anxiously awaiting a one-and-done option to help speed vaccinations, as they race against a virus that already has … Read more

Police officer is cleared of saying she knew two men were criminals because they were black

Police officer is cleared of saying she knew two men were criminals because they were black as she accuses ‘bully’ colleague of twisting her words PC was also accused of saying an Asian man was ‘type who would have a bomb’ Andra Serbanescu denied comment and said colleague had ‘twisted’ her words Avon and Somerset … Read more

Doctor handcuffed and sprayed with CS gas while being arrested is cleared of misconduct by tribunal

Dr Olajide Ogunjimi was cleared of misconduct by a disciplinary panel after it agreed that the two police officers who handcuffed and tear gassed him during an arrest acted ‘unreasonably and disproportionately’ against the father-of-three (pictured) A hospital doctor who was handcuffed and tear gassed by ‘heavy handed’ police officers while being arrested has been … Read more

Young woman who struggled with ‘severe’ cystic acne for years reveals how she cleared her skin

A young Australian woman who battled ‘severe’ cystic acne for five years has revealed how she cleared her skin within six months with the help of three ‘miracle’ products’. Monique swapped out all of the ‘expensive’ skincare she used to rely on, and replaced her moisturisers and serums with three products from the Australian inner … Read more

World’s first flying car that travels 100mph at altitudes of 10,000ft is cleared for by the FAA

The dream of a flying car just got one step closer to reality, after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) granted approval to a hybrid ground-air vehicle that can soar at speeds of 100 mph. The Terrafugia Transition received a Special Light-Sport Aircraft airworthiness certificate from the agency, giving it the green light for takeoff.  A … Read more

Husband who strangled his wife with a dressing gown cord is cleared of murder

A husband has been cleared of murdering his wife five days into the first lockdown after a jury heard how the pandemic caused him to ‘snap’.  Retired factory worker Anthony Williams, 70, strangled his wife Ruth, 67, with a dressing gown cord at their home in Cwmbran, South Wales, on March 28, 2020.  Swansea Crown … Read more

Newsnight award for coverage of children’s charity probed after founder cleared of wrongdoing 

Newsnight award for coverage of high-profile children’s charity is probed after High Court cleared founder and trustees of wrongdoing Kids Company collapsed in 2015 just after getting a £3m grant from Government BBC Newsnight team won Royal Television Society Scoop of the Year prize in 2016 for their reports on the charity But RTS is … Read more

Mega-basement builders cleared of blame over collapse of £8.5m Chelsea townhouse

No further action will be taken by the Health and Safety Executive over the collapse of part of a Georgian terrace in one of London’s most expensive streets. The home was reduced to rubble and around 40 people had to be evacuated when the disaster occurred on November 2. Construction work to build a mega-basement … Read more

Mega-basement builders cleared of blame over collapse of £8.5m Chelsea townhouse

No further action will be taken by the Health and Safety Executive over the collapse of part of a Georgian terrace in one of London’s most expensive streets. The home was reduced to rubble and around 40 people had to be evacuated when the disaster occurred on November 2. Construction work to build a mega-basement … Read more

Surgeon who killed a woman in a traffic accident is cleared to work

Mother-of-two surgeon, 34, who killed woman, 22, in crash while distracted by her children watching YouTube in the back of her Mercedes can keep her job – as she tells tribunal she found it ‘impossible’ to live with the guilt Dr Jane Maraka was distracted by her two children while driving her Mercedes She crashed … Read more