Non-white American children more likely to be infected with the coronavirus

Children and young adults from minority communities made up a disproportionate amount of COVID-19 cases in 2020, according to a new CDC report that looked at 700,000 cases across 15 states. Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander children, Native American/Alaska Native children, and Hispanic/Latino children were most likely to be infected across the full year, according to the … Read more

CDC director urges caution in states that are opening up because’90% of Americans are unvaccinated

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is currently urging caution in states that are opening up because the majority of the population is unvaccinated. As of Wednesday morning, 61 million people in the U.S. – or 18.4 percent of the population – have received an initial dose and 32.1 million – 9.7 percent – … Read more

U.S. COVID vaccinations top 31 million and SURPASS the number of cases

U.S. COVID vaccinations top 31 million and SURPASS the number of cases the country has recorded during the pandemic: Johns Hopkins expert says CDC advice that does NOT let grandparents travel is ‘too restrictive’  More than 31 million Americans have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19  That is more than the 29 million Americans who have … Read more

Emergency room visits for Covid-like illness in Florida are 30% higher than the national average

Has Covid’s variant-fueled fourth wave begun in Florida? ER visits for coronavirus symptoms are 30% higher in the Sunshine State compared to the rest of the US New CDC data shows that 2.6% of all emergency department visits in Florida are for coronavirus-like illness This figure is 30% higher than the 2% seen for emergency department … Read more

More than 73% of Americans who die of COVID are obese, CDC data show

Americans who are overweight or obese make up more than 73 percent of those who die of the virus, new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data reveal. People who were obese made up nearly half of all fatalities among hospitalized coronavirus patients logged in the new report.   Those figures align with the overall … Read more

CDC urges states to start vaccinating Americans with disabilities

New federal recommendations suggest states include people with disabilities or cognitive decline and their caretakers on their lists of who is eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.  On Tuesday evening, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly updated its guidance on who should be getting the shots.  CDC officials continued to stress that all … Read more

CDC did not contact trace flights with first cases of UK and Brazil variant

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted it did not perform contact tracing on flights that some of the earliest patients with the UK and Brazil coronavirus variants were on. In one weekly report, the federal health agency discussed a patient who traveled to the UK and came back infected with the … Read more

Nearly every state saw sharp declines in birth rates since pandemic began

One year into the pandemic, the U.S. has not been experiencing a baby boom but rather a baby bust.  Total births in 2020 fell in every state aside from Delaware and Rhode Island, according to a analysis of preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which examined deliveries between January … Read more

CDC will relax rules for vaccinated people and allow them to socialize together

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is planning to release new guidelines this week for Americans vaccinated against COVID-19.   Senior administration officials told POLITICO that the recommendations will include what safe activities people who have received both doses of the vaccine can do. The relaxed restrictions will include a list of of potential … Read more

Five-a-day diet: Two servings of fruit and three of vegetables is key to longer life

Harvard University scientists believe they’ve found the ideal diet for living a longer, healthier life: Eating three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit a day.   Just about any doctor or diet will encourage you that fruits and vegetables are a crucial source of the nutrients we need on a daily basis, but you … Read more