Inmates boast about ‘village shop’ prison cells with extraordinary collection of stockpiled food

Wormwood grub: Inmates boast about ‘village shop’ prison cells with extraordinary collection of stockpiled food and toiletries stacked to the ceiling Photos posted on Facebook shows stockpiles of food and electronics in cells Prisoners believed to be jailed in separate prisons posted photos from mobile phones It is not illegal for prisoners to be sent … Read more

Embryo-like model created from stem cells provides a ‘blueprint’ of the human body

An embryo-like model researchers created from stem cells can provide a ‘blueprint’ of the human body as it forms, a study has reported. The development by researchers from the University of Cambridge will allow experts to study the so-called ‘black box’ period of human development, gastrulation. Scientists are unable to directly observe this time in … Read more

Mini human livers grown from skin cells are transplanted into rats

Miniature human livers grown from skin cells are successfully transplanted into rats for the first time – offering hope for ‘made-to-order’ organ replacements in the future Researchers took human skin cells and then reprogrammed them into stem cells They then managed to coax these new stem cells into converting into liver cells  The liver cells … Read more

Coronavirus can damage men’s fertility by harming sperm-making cells

Coronavirus can damage men’s fertility by triggering changes to sperm-making cells in the testicles, study suggests Researchers examined the testicular tissue of 2 men who died of coronavirus  Only one of the 12 showed signs of virus in their testes, and the lung tissue of 10 out of 12 was positive for COVID-19  Although there … Read more

Scientists create synthetic red blood cells that are even better than the real thing

Better than the real thing: Scientists create synthetic red blood cells that not only carry oxygen around the body but also administer drugs and detect dangerous toxins Tests in mice revealed they could carry oxygen and squeeze through capillaries But it also showed the ‘cells’ can transport lifesaving drugs and detect toxins Future studies will … Read more

Scientists grow hair on mice using human stem cells 

Scientists have grown hair on mice using human stem cells in a possible step towards curing baldness. US scientists said they’ve created skin organoids – tiny tissue cultures – from stem cells in a lab dish. These can generate into multi-layered skin tissue with hair follicles, sebaceous glands and neural circuitry when cultured for four … Read more

Squid’s colour-changing proteins make human cells TRANSPARENT

There are several ways in which animals can camouflage themselves against the surrounding environment.  Countershading  Countershading is a form of camouflage used by animals where one side of the animal is darker than another.  Often, in the animal kingdom, an animal’s back (dorsal side) is dark while its underside (ventral side) is light.  In 2017, … Read more

Blood test could diagnose concussion by picking up proteins released by dying brain cells 

Blood test could diagnose concussion in just 15 minutes by picking up proteins released by dying brain cells Currently brain injuries like concussion have to be diagnosed using CT scans The new way of testing would allow people access to proper treatment sooner It successfully identified 64 per cent of people with brain injuries in … Read more

Coronavirus hijacks cells to turn our immune system against us

The novel coronavirus ‘hijacks’ our body’s cells by blocking certain genes that fight against infections, a new study suggests.  Viruses, such as the flu, usually interfere with two sets of genes: one that prevents viruses from replicating and the other that sends immune cells to the infection site to kill viruses. But researchers found SARS-CoV-2 behaves … Read more

Scientists create the most advanced human-mouse ‘hybrid’ embryo, with 4% of human cells

Scientists create the most advanced human-mouse ‘hybrid’ embryo ever, with as much as 4% of human cells found in the mouse embryo’s blood, brain tissue, and heart Researchers created a hybrid embryo of mice cells and human stem cells The embyros are the most advanced human-mice hybrids, with some made of up to 4% human … Read more