Nose cells that help us detect odors are key entryway for coronavirus, new study finds

Is this why COVID-19 patients lose their sense of smell? Nose cells that help us detect odors are key entryway for coronavirus, new study finds Researchers studied nose samples and trachea samples for ACE2, the receptor the coronavirus uses to enter and infect cells Cells in the olfactory neuroepithelium, where odor-sensing neurons are located, had up … Read more

Scientists grow LIVER by injecting cells into pigs’ lymph nodes

Humans could soon be able to grow new LIVERS inside their own bodies by injecting healthy cells into their lymph nodes, scientists claim after a successful trial in pigs Researchers from University of Pittsburgh gave six pigs serious liver problems   They also took liver cells from the animal and implanted into lymph nodes   Found these cells … Read more

Scientists create insulin-producing pancreatic cells that could treat type 1 diabetes

Could THIS be a cure for diabetes? Scientists create insulin-making pancreatic cells that escape the disease’s attacks and can be transplanted into patients Researchers created clusters of beta-like cells that are produced in the pancreas from stem cells Adding two proteins to the cells ‘turbo-charged’ them to produce insulin and kept the immune system from … Read more

Scientists using stem cells to rescue the nearly extinct Sumatran rhino, who number less than 80

The Sumatran rhinoceros once thrived in rain forests and swamps across India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and China. Their numbers have fallen dangerously low in recent decades, though, the result of poaching, habitat loss, and fragmentation – leading the creature being classified as ‘critically endangered.’  Less 80 than survive, according to Save the Rhino, and all … Read more

Scientists discover ‘master circuit’ that controls how cells age

California scientists are paving the way to extending human life span after discovering the cellular command center for aging, according to a new study.  By studying yeast, the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) scientists discovered that cells take one of two paths as they age.  One of the two paths leads to healthy aging, … Read more

Hopes for long-lasting Covid-19 immunity as scientists believe T cells ‘could last for many years’

Hopes that Covid-19 survivors have long-lasting immunity is growing as scientists now believe crucial disease-fighting stay in the body for many years. Leading immunologists said T cells – a type of white blood cell in the immune system – are produced by almost everyone infected with the coronavirus. Until now most of the attention on … Read more

SARS-CoV-2 is 1,000 TIMES better at infecting human cells than its closest relative found in bats

SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes Covid-19, evolved after several different coronaviruses merged into one, a study has found.  Scientists came to the conclusion while trying to understand the evolutionary history of the coronavirus in a bid to help make a vaccine.  High-resolution images reveal the spike on the surface of SARS-CoV-2 is 97 per cent … Read more

Is THIS why Covid-19 causes strokes? The coronavirus causes ‘hyper-activity’ in blood-clotting cells

‘Hyper-activity’ in blood clotting cells could be the cause of strokes and heart attacks in Covid-19 patients, scientists say. University of Utah experts made the ‘important’ discovery by comparing the blood of 82 people — half of whom tested positive for the coronavirus.  Platelets, blood cells that clot, were much more active in samples taken … Read more

Pictured: How Covid-19 hijacks human cells and causes them to sprout TENTACLES

The coronavirus zombifies human cells and causes them to sprout tentacles in order to spread around the body, scientists have discovered. A study led by the University of California saw researchers take microscopic images of this process, which they have described as ‘so sinister’. Images show infected cells growing tentacle-like spikes, known as filopodia, which … Read more

‘Mini brains’ grown from human stem cells with Neanderthal DNA

‘Mini brains’ grown from human stem cells containing Neanderthal DNA could shed light on how our ancient ancestors’ genes have influenced the development of our species They showed they can track the role of Neanderthal genes in the model organs The principle may be used with other bodily systems and ancient human species Around 2 … Read more