Adam Smith’s grave is included in dossier of sites linked to slavery and colonialism

The ‘Father of Capitalism’ Adam Smith’s grave has been included in Edinburgh City Council’s ‘ludicrously biased’ dossier of sites linked to slavery and colonialism. The Scottish council last year launched a review of Edinburgh’s links to slavery and colonialism in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, led by human rights activist Sir Geoff Palmer. The Slavery and Colonialism … Read more

Trump supporters clash ANTIFA at Trump Tower after MAGA fans unfurl a huge flag of Pelosi as demon

Trump supporters clash with ANTIFA outside Trump Tower in Manhattan after MAGA fans unfurled a huge flag of Pelosi as a demon and marched down NYC’s Fifth Avenue President Donald Trump supporters paraded down Fifth Avenue in New York City on Friday afternoon They carried with them massive ‘Trump 2024’ banners which they unfurled in … Read more

Michelle Obama discusses racism while plugging new book

Michelle Obama touted a new kids’ version of her memoir on Good Morning America on Wednesday morning, when she urged young people to ‘protest’ against racism – but interestingly made no mention of yesterday’s ban on six Dr. Seuss books, which she frequently read to children during her time as First Lady.  The 57-year-old – who … Read more

Statues linked to slavery should STAY if ‘counter-memorials’ installed, says Historic England chief

Statues with links to slavery should be allowed to STAY if ‘counter-memorials’ are installed alongside them, says Historic England chairman Sir Laurie Magnus appeared during an online policy exchange conference He suggested that authorities reflect on the events of last year during BLM rallies Bronze figure of 18th-century slave trader Edward Colston was toppled in … Read more

Channel 4 is blasted for ‘spineless surrender to the PC police’ for sacking Ant Middleton

Channel 4 is blasted for ‘spineless surrender to the PC police’ after sacking SAS Who Dares Wins star Ant Middleton over his criticism of  BLM and Covid lockdown rules Ant Middleton declared Black Lives Matter protesters ‘absolute scum’ last June He also said he would ignore Covid advice, but later apologised for the comment Channel … Read more

‘Colston Four’ plead not guilty to criminal damage

‘Colston Four’ plead not guilty to criminal damage for toppling statue of Bristol slave trader Edward Colston as trial date is set for December Rhian Graham, Milo Ponsford, Jake Skuse, and Sage Willoughby denied charges They appeared before Bristol Crown Court charged with criminal damage today  It is alleged they damaged statue of Edward Colston … Read more

2021 London mayoral election: Shaun Bailey accuses Sadiq Khan of using BLM to divide UK communities

London Mayor hopeful Shaun Bailey accuses Sadiq Khan of using Black Lives Matter to ‘drive a wedge’ through UK communities and blames him for low number of black Met officers Tory candidate Mr Bailey launched a blistering attack on his Labour opponent  He blamed Mr Khan for low recruitment levels of black officers at The … Read more

Police watchdog warns forces ‘risk losing trust’ over use of stop-and search

A police watchdog has warned forces ‘risk losing trust’ over the use of stop and search as it admonished them for failing to explain why black people are more likely to be targeted. It found police forces are still unable to explain the disproportionate use of powers, such as stop and search and use of force … Read more

Heroes cancelled in case they offend: Council in Wales will no longer name streets after individuals

Hero soldiers who have fallen serving their country will no longer have streets named after them after a council said ‘times and attitudes change’ and officials were deluged with requests.  Denbighshire County Council ruled it would now no longer allow the honour after a meeting, which appeared to reference the Black Lives Matter movement last … Read more

Fans ‘must be allowed to boo taking the knee’ demands free speech group 

Football fans who boo players taking the knee in support of Black Lives Matter should not be banned by clubs, a free speech group has demanded. In a letter to the Football Association, the Free Speech Union insist that if players are free to make the gesture, then fans must be free to disagree with … Read more