‘When will you resign, then?’ UN Secretary General sparks anger with ‘patriarchy’ tweet

The UN Secretary General Antonio Gutterres sparks anger with Tweet saying ‘male-dominated culture damages everyone’ The UN published part of a speech by Secretary General António Guterres  The post has drawn 13,000 responses – many of which voice disagreement Twitter users called on Mr Guterres to resign; others called to ‘defund the UN’  By Henry … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Local anger over Manchester U-turn

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has been slammed over yet another Covid-19 U-turn, this time over lifting lockdown restrictions in Bolton and Trafford – where cases have been increasing.  Mr Hancock claimed the restrictions in both areas will remain in place following a ‘significant change’ in infection rates in both areas.  The government had planned to … Read more

Full stop is ‘intimidating’ to young people who interpret it as a sign of anger, linguists say

Stop the full stop. Punctuation symbol is ‘intimidating’ to young people who interpret it as a sign of anger, linguists say Language experts are debating the change in use by youngsters of the full stop  In the age of instant messaging, some argue the full stop is no longer necessary Some experts say context is … Read more

Anger as data watchdog Elizabeth Denham spends three months working from home – in CANADA

Data watchdog Elizabeth Denham is working from home – 4,500 miles away from her office One of Britain’s most senior public servants has been working from home during the coronavirus pandemic – 4,500 miles away in her native Canada. Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham has been based on the other side of the Atlantic for the … Read more

Government warned about anger of voters over BBC’s decision to scrap free TV licences for over-75s

Tory MPs’ backlash as they warn the Government about the ‘palpable’ anger of their voters over the BBC’s decision to scrap free TV licences for over-75s – as figures show over 90 per cent will have the perk taken away The BBC says it’s forced to limit free licences to those on pension credit  It … Read more

Anger mounts against Lebanon’s government following Beirut blast

Anger is mounting against Lebanon’s government following the massive blast in Beirut which has killed at least 137 people and wounded more than 5,000 as activists vowed to take to the streets as soon as the clean-up is over.  Prime Minister Hassan Diab has vowed that those responsible for the explosion – triggered when 2,750 … Read more

Muslim anger as warning signs tell worshippers to ‘Celebrate Eid safely’ 

Muslim anger as warning signs tell worshippers to ‘Celebrate Eid safely’ – but some question why similar notices were not made for VE Day Sandwich-style board displays with messages were spotted across Bradford Messages included instructions that said ‘No handshake, no hugs, hands off’ Some questioned why public warnings were not made during other celebrations … Read more

Confusion and anger on day one of new face mask law

New coronavirus laws forcing customers to wear face masks in all shops, stations, banks and post offices came into force this morning as Sainsbury’s, Asda, Co-Op and Costa Coffee all said they would not police the rules. The laws also require people to cover their faces in all ‘transport hubs’, shopping centres and petrol stations. Even … Read more

ROBERT HARDMAN: The anger and despair of Leicester residents sent to, er, Coventry 

So much for all these smart new post-Covid council signs erected all over the city which say: ‘Great to have you back in Leicester’. As of this week, they might as well add: ‘But I’m afraid you’ve been sent to Coventry.’ Poor Leicester woke up yesterday to discover that it is the first place in … Read more

Anger as priest is ‘pressured’ into holding wedding at Welsh Catholic church during lockdown

A Catholic priest was allegedly ‘pressured’ into holding a wedding for a young couple at a Welsh church amid lockdown, with one guest saying ‘coronavirus won’t stop us having a party’. Father Sebastian Jones performed a wedding service for a young couple at St Alban-on-the-Moors in Splott, Cardiff on May 12, after the parents ‘insisted that … Read more