Black Friday sales: Australian financial adviser Victoria Devine reveals how to get the best deals

Writing a list of what you don’t need and setting an alarm for 24 hours after you’ve filled your shopping cart will save you big money in Black Friday sales, a top financial adviser has revealed. That’s the advice from Victoria Devine, the 29-year-old host of personal finance podcast ‘She’s On The Money’ which helps … Read more

Donald Trump ‘is planning to pardon his disgraced national security adviser Michael Flynn’

Donald Trump is planning to pardon his disgraced national security adviser Michael Flynn, Axios reported Tuesday.   Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about dealings with Russia’s ambassador before Trump took office. He sought to withdraw the guilty plea in January, arguing that prosecutors violated his rights and duped him into a plea agreement. … Read more

New ‘chumocracy’ row as Matt Hancock hands job as a close adviser to lobbyist friend from university

Matt Hancock was at the centre of a ‘chumocracy’ cronyism row today after it emerged he gave a  job in the Department of Health to a PR consultant and lobbyist who is one of his closest friends from university. The Health Secretary made Gina Coladangelo a part-time non-executive director of the department on a reported £15,000 … Read more

PM’s standards adviser QUITS as Boris Johnson REFUSES to sack Priti Patel after bullying probe

The Prime Minister’s adviser on standards sensationally quit today as Boris Johnson refused to sack Priti Patel as Home Secretary in the wake of a report into bullying. Sir Alex Allan resigned this morning as Ms Patel apologised for ‘her past behaviour’ in the wake of his long-awaited probe into the senior Cabinet minister’s relationship … Read more

Coronavirus: Life could return to normal by SPRING, says Government adviser

Britain could be back to normal by the spring, a top Government adviser claimed today after Matt Hancock refused to rule out making Covid vaccinations mandatory. Professor Sir John Bell, who advises ministers on tackling the virus, said he believed they would be able to roll out millions of jabs this winter because the NHS … Read more

The chilling warning sent to government special adviser NEIL TWEEDIE

When the call from Downing Street came in, I was dozing. I’d fallen asleep the previous night with my black government-issued mobile on my chest, while trying to catch up on the endless emails that are the bane of a special adviser’s life. A minute or so of pleasantries and then down to business. ‘These … Read more

PM’s adviser Dominic Cummings carries belongings out of No10 after leaving ‘with immediate effect’

Boris Johnson’s top advisor Dominic Cummings sensationally quit Downing Street with immediate effect tonight – strolling out the front door of Number 10 with a box in his hands.  He chose to walk out into the full glare of the Downing Street cameras tonight after a brutal reckoning that saw his closest ally Lee Cain fall on his … Read more

Biden coronavirus adviser once argued it’s not worth living past 75

Dr. Zeke Emanuel, one of the 10 advisory board members appointed to Joe Biden’s coronavirus task force on Monday, once argued in an article that life is not worth living after 75.  The declaration, made in a 2014 Atlantic essay titled ‘Why I Hope to Die at 75’, could raise some awkward questions, considering the … Read more

Number 10 could have saved ‘thousands of lives’ if it followed SAGE advice, scientific adviser says

Professor Andrew Hayward, an infectious diseases expert at University College London, said he had a ‘high degree of certainty’ thousands of unnecessary Covid-19 deaths would occur as a consequence of not imposing a circuit breaker lockdown  Thousands of coronavirus deaths in the coming weeks could have been prevented if ministers bowed to pressure for a … Read more

Government scientific adviser warns keeping secondary schools open means lockdown could be LONGER

University College London’s Professor Andrew Hayward, a member of SAGE, said keeping secondary schools open could mean extending the national lockdown beyond a month Keeping secondary schools open during Britain’s second lockdown could keep the country cooped up at home for longer than 28 days, another government scientific adviser warned today.  Studies so far suggest … Read more