Biden’s fitness questioned by congressman accused of drinking during White House physician duty

Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician, believes President Biden’s press conference performance Thursday raises questions about his fitness for office. The Texas congressman said Friday that Biden’s behavior at his first solo press conference ‘should concern every American who wants to know that their president is fit for duty and in … Read more

SoHo Karen faces civil lawsuit from family of teen she falsely accused of taking her phone

Miya Ponsetto, the infamous ‘SoHo Karen’ who falsely accused a black teen of stealing her cell phone from a New York City hotel, is being sued by his family.  The lawsuit, filed on behalf of the family of Keyon Harrold Jr., 15, lists Ponsetto as a defendant, as well as Arlo Soho hotel, its owner … Read more

Coronavirus: AstraZeneca hits back at US officials who accused it of giving ‘outdated information’

AstraZeneca today hit back at the US officials who accused it of sending old clinical trial data as part of a licence application for its Covid vaccine. Experts on the Data and Safety Monitoring Board, a secretive committee inside the National Institutes for Health that is vetting coronavirus vaccines, raised the alarm yesterday after the … Read more

AstraZeneca is accused of providing ‘outdated’ information from its US vaccine trial

US health chiefs have accused AstraZeneca of sending ‘outdated information’ as part of an application to get its Covid vaccine approved for use on Americans. The company, which is making Oxford University’s jab, revealed yesterday that a US-specific trial found the vaccine prevented 100 per cent of hospital admissions and deaths from Covid and said … Read more

Consultant, 57, sues healthcare chain for £2.7m after being accused of sexually assaulting a nurse

A senior hospital consultant is suing one of Britain’s biggest private healthcare chains for £2.7million after he was accused of sexually assaulting a nurse by commenting on her ‘lovely biscuits’.  Vascular surgeon Simon Payne was suspended and later barred from working at Spire Healthcare over the alleged incident, in which he is said to have … Read more

Consultant, 57, sues healthcare chain for £2.7m after being accused of sexually assaulting a nurse

A senior hospital consultant is suing one of Britain’s biggest private healthcare chains for £2.7million after he was accused of sexually assaulting a nurse by commenting on her ‘lovely biscuits’.  Vascular surgeon Simon Payne was suspended and later barred from working at Spire Healthcare over the alleged incident, in which he is said to have … Read more

China row: PM’s father urges Boris to ‘stand up’ to Tories accused of ‘cooking up new Cold war’

The Prime Minister’s father has waded into the Tory civil war on China by urging him to ‘stand up’ to the hawks accused of seeking a ‘new Cold War’ with Beijing. Former MEP Stanley Johnson said it is ‘absolutely vital’ that Britain continues to ‘work very closely’ with the Chinese government ‘even more’ post-Brexit. The … Read more

Alexandra Cane slams troll who accused her of using Instagram as an ’emotional dumping ground’

Alexandra Cane has hit back at a troll who accused her of using her Instagram page as an ’emotional dumping ground’.  Taking to her stories on Saturday, the former Love Island star, 29, called out the negativity online, while insisting that it’s not only important to be aware of one’s emotions, but to feel free … Read more

Lonely Planet travel guides accused of ‘downplaying’ the harassment women travellers suffer from men

Lonely Planet travel guides often ‘downplay’ the harassment that women travellers suffer from men, a new research paper argues. A paper by Middlesex University states: ‘Lonely Planet often downplays harassment and the idea that it is not worth getting angry about presents itself again and again in the entries.’ Researchers studied the free online version … Read more

Netflix’s Bigfoot Family film is accused of ‘spreading misinformation’ about oil sector

Netflix’s children film Bigfoot Family is accused of ‘spreading misinformation and peddling lies’ about the oil sector as furious viewers launch ‘tell the truth’ campaign in Canada The film, described as a ‘family comedy’, follows Bigfoot who fights against an Alaska oil company who is planning to bomb a valley so they can remove the … Read more