The (not so) Great British Bake Off! Viewers accuse standard to be far WORSE than previous years

Viewers of this year’s Great British Bake Off are claiming this year’s contestants are far worse than previous years. Fans of the Channel 4 bakery show, now in its 11th season, have been voicing their dismay and frustration on Twitter after a string of botched bakes and ‘poor’ show stoppers this year. They claim that … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Tory civil war as anti-lockdown MPs accuse PM of being ‘bounced’ into shutdown

Furious anti-lockdown Tory MPs last night accused Boris Johnson of allowing himself to be bounced into an England-wide shutdown after No10 binned its three-tier Covid-19 alert system.   Conservatives were outraged that plans to plunge the country into a second shutdown were leaked to the Saturday papers, including the Mail, before the Prime Minister’s announcement in … Read more

Campaigners accuse BBC of peddling a ‘damaging’ transgender ideology to primary school pupils

Campaigners accuse BBC of peddling a ‘damaging’ transgender ideology to primary school pupils in row over controversial children’s cartoon BBC Bitesize last week tweeted a cartoon of three teenagers in a changing room  The three cartoon figures had their gender pronouns written beneath them  BBC is accused of peddling ‘damaging’ trans ideology to primary school … Read more

Angry teenagers accuse village elders of ‘racism’

Angry teenagers accuse village elders of ‘racism’ after they refuse to let them put up BLM message in disused phone box Teenagers in a Wiltshire village wanted to use a phone box as a BLM message Phone boxes were used in the 20th century as a place to house telephones  With the advent of mobile … Read more

Ocado shoppers accuse online retailer of ‘inflating’ the prices of M&S in-store items

Ocado shoppers accuse online retailer of ‘inflating’ the prices of M&S in-store items by up to 25% since they joined forces on home deliveries last month One customer noticed the exact same kitchen towels sold for 20p more online Chopped Italian Tomatoes cost 5p more online; and Mexican rice is 15p more Another tweeted: ‘M&S store … Read more

Love Island’s Laura Anderson hits back at trolls after they accuse her of editing snap

Laura Anderson has defended herself against trolls who accused her of editing one of her latest Instagram snaps to make herself look thinner. The Love Island star, 29, joked that she must be ‘perfect’ for some of her followers to be so convinced that she had photoshopped the unedited picture. Laura defiantly told her critics … Read more

Megan Thee Stallion’s lawyers accuse Tory Lanez of launching ‘smear campaign’ against her

Megan Thee Stallion’s team is hitting back at Tory Lanez after he tastelessly exploited the shooting allegations against him to promote his new album. The WAP artist’s lawyers have accused Lanez of launching a smear campaign against her, after she publicly named him as her shooter last month. They appear to be accusing his team … Read more

Working from home is BAD for business: Bosses accuse WFH staff of skiving off

Business leaders are railing against Government proposals to impose a second national lockdown as they claim that working from home is bad for productivity, fuels loneliness and would finish the UK economy.  Bosses grappling with the shift by millions of people towards working from home fear the model could stifle creativity and wreck productivity over … Read more

QCs accuse Attorney General Suella Braverman of wrecking country’s reputation with Brexit plan

Britain’s top lawyers have accused Attorney General Suella Braverman of wrecking the country’s reputation abroad with the Government plan to break international law over Brexit. The Bar Council, the professional association for barristers, asked Ms Braverman how the UK could retain a ‘shred of credibility’ in demanding other countries follow international law while admitting its … Read more

Dramatic moment black cab drivers heckle and chase Sadiq Khan and accuse him of ‘destroying London’

Sadiq Khan was heckled by London black cab drivers outside City Hall to shouts ‘of Destroyer of London’ today as the Mayor’s war on motorists sabotages the capital’s route to recovery.  Video shows Mr Khan walking to his office to the backdrop of angry London black cab drivers as a furious crowd gathered outside City … Read more