Abandoned Cold War nuclear missile launch site in New Jersey is up for sale for $1.8m

If you’re in the market for a fixer-upper with a difference – how about an abandoned Cold War-era nuclear missile site? There’s one going in Woolwich Township, New Jersey, for just $1.8million (£1.45million), complete with a swimming pool used by the troops and radar towers. The installation – Nike Battery PH-58 – was operational between … Read more

The mesmerising photos by Dieter Klein in new teNeues book The Nostalgic Beauty of Abandoned Cars

Mesmerising photographs show once-gleaming vehicles abandoned and transformed by nature into eerie artifacts in strange and isolated parts of Europe and America German photographer Dieter Klein roamed dusty barns, deserted fields and thick forest to snap eerie images They appear in his brand new book, out in May, called Lost Wheels – The Nostalgic Beauty … Read more

Russian animal rescuers allowed to break lockdown and drive 1,600 miles to save abandoned bear cubs

Adorable bear cub tucks into a bowl of milk after Russian animal rescuers are allowed to break lockdown and drive 1,600 miles to save abandoned litter Animal rescuers drove 1,600 miles from Tver to Kirov in Russia to save the cubs  The mother fled, leaving her cubs for two days, when loggers damaged her den … Read more

Creepy images by photographer Bryan Sansivero of an abandoned doctor’s surgery in Northern Virginia 

It’s a set of photographs that’s likely to give you goosebumps. These intriguing – yet decidedly creepy – pictures were taken inside a crumbling abandoned doctor’s surgery in Northern Virginia by urban explorer Bryan Sansivero. As you peer at them through your fingers, you’ll spy taxidermy wolf rugs, bottles containing mystery liquids and medical books … Read more

Pennsylvania’s abandoned ‘Graffiti Highway’ in Centralia ghost town is permanently shut down

‘Graffiti Highway’ – Pennsylvania’s oddest tourist attraction is the latest casualty in the coronavirus pandemic. The .74- mile long abandoned stretch of Route 61 that runs through the ghost town of Centralia has been a local landmark since 1993 when tag artists saw a blank canvas on the forgotten length of cracked asphalt.   Now the … Read more

Trump abandoned Easter plan after his campaign warned soaring deaths would damage his re-election

President Donald Trump retreated from his Easter deadline to reopen the economy , when faced with the dual realities of mounting deaths from the coronavirus and the possibility of tanking his re-election campaign. As the president pushed for a return to normal life by April 12, he was subject to an intervention from two sets of … Read more

Sophia Myles discusses her ‘fear of being abandoned’ after father died from coronavirus

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Soldiers tasked with disinfecting care homes in Spain find ABANDONED corpses

Soldiers tasked with disinfecting care homes in Spain find ABANDONED corpses as coronavirus crisis cripples the country Corpses found in same homes as loved ones who are still alive, reports suggest  Spain’s Military Emergency Unit (UME) were cleaning the homes to slow spread  Deadly coronavirus infected more than 33,000 and killed 2,200 in Spain alone  … Read more

British woman, 20, stuck in Peru on her gap year feels ‘abandoned’ by the UK Government

A young British woman stuck in Peru has said she feels ‘abandoned’ by the UK Government. Mereida Fajardo, 20, is on her gap year and has spent six months travelling the South American country with a friend. She and Gemma Harris, 19, are among up to 400 British travellers stuck there after the Peruvian government … Read more