Donald Trump suffered ‘child abuse’ at the hands of his father, his niece claims in book

Donald Trump suffered ‘child abuse’ at the hands of his father and is ‘Frankenstein without the conscience’, the President’s niece will claim in her explosive memoir, which has obtained ahead of its release.

Mary Trump says ‘love meant nothing’ to Fred Trump Sr and he only wanted obedience, which the President was forced to give him. 

Donald’s mother became ill when he was two years old, leaving him with ‘total dependence on a caregiver (Fred Sr) who also caused him terror,’ Mary writes in Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. 

Neglected by his workaholic father, Mary claims the President ‘suffered deprivations that would scar him for life’.

The 55-year-old psychologist also compares Donald to Frankenstein’s monster, only unlike Dr Frankenstein, he is ‘proud of his monster’.

She writes: ‘He glories in its anger and its destruction and while he cannot imagine its love, he believes in all his heart in its rage. He is Frankenstein without the conscience.’ 

Mary writes that she believes her uncle is not only a narcissist, but ‘meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which in its most severe form is generally considered sociopathy’.      

Donald Trump suffered ‘child abuse’ at the hands of his father Fred Trump Sr, the President’s niece Mary Trump will claim in her explosive memoir 

The 55-year-old will write that 'love meant nothing' to Fred Sr and he only wanted obedience which Donald was forced to give him The book claims Fred Sr 'caused [Donald] terror' and he 'suffered deprivations that would scar him for life'. Pictured: Donald Trump as a child

The 55-year-old will write that ‘love meant nothing’ to Fred Sr and he only wanted obedience which Donald was forced to give him The book claims Fred Sr ’caused [Donald] terror’ and he ‘suffered deprivations that would scar him for life’. Pictured: Donald Trump as a child 

Mary Trump last month

Cover of Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man

Simon & Schuster released the back cover as it announced they are releasing Mary’s (left) memoir Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man (right) two weeks early

Simon & Schuster announced this week that Mary’s memoir would be released two weeks early. 

The book will now come out on July 14 instead of July 28 due to ‘high demand and extraordinary interest’ which has pushed it to No. 1 on the Amazon best seller list.

The memoir is still the subject of a legal dispute between Mary and the Trump family and a hearing is scheduled for Thursday before a judge in Dutchess County, north of New York City.  

In her book, Mary states she received a PhD in clinical psychology from the Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies and spent a year working on the admissions ward of a psychiatric center in Manhattan.

She says she has ‘no problem’ calling Donald a narcissist as many pundits have described him.

Mary says he ‘meets all nine criteria’ as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the standard text for defining mental illness.

But Mary writes that a case could be made that Donald ‘meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which in its most severe form is generally considered sociopathy, but can also refer to chronic criminality, arrogance, and disregard for others’.

She writes that ‘Donald may also meet some of the criteria for dependent personality disorder’ as well.

The hallmarks are: inability to take responsibility, discomfort when being alone and going to extreme lengths to obtain support from others. 

Mary writes: ‘He is alleged to drink upward of 12 Diet Cokes a day and sleeps very little. Does he suffer from substance (in this case caffeine) induced sleep disorder? 

‘He has a horrible diet and does not exercise, which may contribute to or exacerbate his other possible disorders.’ 

In another section of the bombshell book, Mary reveals Donald’s eldest sister Maryanne, a now retired federal judge, scoffed at his presidential run, calling him ‘a clown’ and poked fun at his ‘five bankruptcies’. 

Mary also believes her uncle is not only a narcissist, but writes he 'meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which in its most severe form is generally considered sociopathy'

Mary also believes her uncle is not only a narcissist, but writes he ‘meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which in its most severe form is generally considered sociopathy’

In another section of the bombshell book, Mary reveals Donald's eldest sister Maryanne, a now retired federal judge, scoffed at his presidential run, calling him 'a clown' and poked fun at his 'five bankruptcies'.

In another section of the bombshell book, Mary reveals Donald’s eldest sister Maryanne, a now retired federal judge, scoffed at his presidential run, calling him ‘a clown’ and poked fun at his ‘five bankruptcies’.

She writes: ‘When Donald announced his run for the presidency on June 16, 2015 I didn’t take it seriously. 

‘I didn’t think Donald took it seriously. He simply wanted the free publicity for his brand. 

‘When his poll numbers started to rise he may have received tacit assurances from Russian President Vladimir Putin that Russia would do everything it could to swing the election in his favor, the appeal of winning grew. 

‘He’s a clown’, my aunt Maryanne said during one of our regular lunches at the time. ”This will never happen”. I agreed. 

”Does anybody even believe the bulls*** that he’s a self-made man?” I asked ”Well,” Maryanne said, dry as the Saharan, ”he has had five bankruptcies”.’

Maryanne also became enraged when Donald began to receive endorsements from evangelical pastors such as Jerry Falwell Jr. 

Maryanne, who is a Catholic since her conversion 50 years ago, allegedly raged to Mary: ‘What the f*** is wrong with them? The only time Donald went to church is when the cameras were there. It’s mind boggling. He has no principles. None!’ 

Mary recounts the episode that caused a schism in the Trump family and led to Donald becoming the man he is.

She writes that when Maryanne was 12 years old, she found their mother Mary in the bathroom unconscious. She was rushed to the hospital where she underwent an emergency hysterectomy due to complications from her son Robert’s birth nine months before.

After surgeries Mary was never the same and her absence ‘created a void in the lives of her children’. 

The impact was ‘especially dire’ for Donald and Robert, who were two and a half years old and nine months old, respectively’. 

Mary calls Fred Sr a ‘high functioning sociopath’, marked by a lack of empathy, a facility for lying and a lack of interest in others.

Mary calls Fred Sr a ‘high functioning sociopath’, marked by a lack of empathy, a facility for lying and a lack of interest in others

Mary calls Fred Sr a ‘high functioning sociopath’, marked by a lack of empathy, a facility for lying and a lack of interest in others

Mary recounts the episode that caused a schism in the Trump family and led to Donald becoming the man he is. She writes that when Maryanne was 12 years old, she found their mother Mary in the bathroom unconscious. She was rushed to the hospital where she underwent an emergency hysterectomy due to complications from her son Robert’s birth nine months before. After surgeries Mary (pictured with Donald and Elizabeth in 1995) was never the same and her absence ‘created a void in the lives of her children'

Mary recounts the episode that caused a schism in the Trump family and led to Donald becoming the man he is. She writes that when Maryanne was 12 years old, she found their mother Mary in the bathroom unconscious. She was rushed to the hospital where she underwent an emergency hysterectomy due to complications from her son Robert’s birth nine months before. After surgeries Mary (pictured with Donald and Elizabeth in 1995) was never the same and her absence ‘created a void in the lives of her children’

The greater Donald and Robert’s distress, the ‘more Fred Sr rebuffed them’, Mary claims.

As a result ‘needing’ became equated with humiliation and despair’ in Donald’s mind.

Mary describes how when Donald was a boy he used to hide Robert’s favorite Tonka trucks and pretended he had no idea where they were.

The last time he did it Robert had a tantrum and Donald threatened to pull them apart if he didn’t shut up.

Their mother responded by hiding the trucks in the attic, effectively punishing Robert for something that Donald did.

The back of the book reads that ‘child abuse is, in some sense, a matter of ‘too much’ or ‘not enough’.

It reads: ‘Donald’s mother became ill when he was two and a half, suddenly depriving him of his main source of comfort and human contact. His father, Fred, became his only available parent.

‘But Fred firmly believed that dealing with young children was not his duty, and kept to his twelve-hours-a-day, six-days-a-week job at Trump Management, as if his children could look after themselves.

‘From the beginning, Fred’s self-interest skewed his priorities and his care of children reflected his own needs, not theirs. He could not empathize with Donald’s plight, so his son’s fears and longings went unsoothed.

‘Love meant nothing to Fred; he expected obedience, that was all. Over time, Donald became afraid that asking for comfort or attention would provoke his father’s anger or indifference when Donald was most vulnerable.

‘That Fred would become the primary source of Donald’s solace when he was much more likely to be a source of fear or rejection put Donald in an intolerable position: total dependence on a caregiver who also caused him terror. Donald suffered deprivations that would scar him for life.’ 

The back of the book reads that ‘child abuse is, in some sense, a matter of ‘too much’ or ‘not enough’

The memoir is still the subject of a legal dispute between Mary and the Trump family and a hearing is scheduled for Thursday before a judge in Dutchess County, north of New York City

The back cover (pictured) of her book will read: ‘Today, Donald Trump is much as he was at three years old: incapable of growing, learning, or evolving, unable to regulate his emotions, moderate his responses, or take in and synthesize information'

The back cover (pictured) of her book will read: ‘Today, Donald Trump is much as he was at three years old: incapable of growing, learning, or evolving, unable to regulate his emotions, moderate his responses, or take in and synthesize information’

Mary, 55, is a psychologist and her publishers say she has a unique insight into what makes the Trumps tick.

She spent much of her youth in her grandparents’ house in Queens, New York, and had a front row seat to her ‘toxic’ family.

The book is also expected to reveal that Mary was the primary source of the New York Times’ Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation into the President’s tax history.

Mary is the child of Fred Trump Jr, the President’s older brother who died in 1981 after struggling with alcoholism

Mary is the child of Fred Trump Jr, the President’s older brother who died in 1981 after struggling with alcoholism

That report, published in October 2018, found the president received more than $400 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire and had been involved in ‘fraudulent’ tax schemes – crushing his image as a self-made man. 

The legal tussle over the book centers around a nondisclosure agreement that Mary signed 20 years ago to settle a dispute over the estate of her grandfather Fred Sr.

The Trumps argue this prevents her from writing a memoir, but she disagrees.

Simon & Schuster have already revealed other details from the book, including how in the Trump family ‘financial worth is the same as self-worth; humans are only valued in monetary terms’.

The book will reveal that ‘a ‘killer’ instinct is revered, while qualities such as empathy, kindness, and expertise are punished.

According to Mary, among the Trump family ‘taking responsibility for your failures is discouraged’ and ‘cheating as a way of life’.

In an affidavit filed last week, Mary claimed she relied on ‘false valuations’ from the rest of her family to determine the amount she got from Fred Sr’s will.

Mary has previously alleged in a lawsuit the Trump family took advantage of a mentally incapacitated Fred Sr to all but cut her and her brother, Fred Trump III, out of his will.

The siblings are the children of Fred Trump Jr, the President’s older brother who died in 1981 after struggling with alcoholism his whole life.