New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo urges Trump to shut down the country NOW

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo urges Trump to shut down bars and restaurants around the country because ‘patchwork quilt’ coronavirus plan ‘is not working’ – as he warns hospital system may buckle tomorrow

  • Governor Cuomo has urged the government to mobilize the army corp of engineers to build temporary hospitals in New York 
  • He wants Trump to issue shut down rules to bars and restaurants across the country 
  • New York’s bars and restaurants will close on Tuesday but Cuomo warned there is nothing to stop people going from state to state to continue living life
  • They then run the risk of taking the virus with them – something that must be avoided 
  • He said the ‘wave’ will ‘break’ on New York’s hospital systems on Tuesday 
  • There are now more than 3,800 cases in America, 700 in the state of New York and more than 300 in the city of New York 
  • Sixty-nine people have died but all experts and officials say numbers will continue to rise drastically  
  • Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo urged Trump to shut down the country to fight coronavirus and said the current ‘patchwork quilt’ system of some states being more vigilant than others is not working. 

In an interview on Good Morning America on Monday, Gov. Cuomo said it made no sense for him to take harsh action in New York but have neighboring states like New Jersey and Connecticut not, because people would simply migrate there to keep living their lives and potentially spread the virus. 

‘This government has to get more engaged. There’s been no country that hasn’t handled this on a federalized level. 

‘This patchwork quilt of policies doesn’t work. It makes no sense for me to do something in New York and New Jersey to do something else. 

‘I close the bars? They go to jersey. You need the specific rules. 

‘Every state cannot come up with its own rules, you’ll just have people going from state to state. 

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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been begging Trump to follow New York’s lead and take a firmer stance on shut downs to stop people spreading the virus 

In the United States, there are more than 3,800 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and 69 deaths

In the United States, there are more than 3,800 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and 69 deaths

‘You’ll go to New Jersey, Connecticut, wherever you can be served. That’s the last thing we want. 

‘Set the national standards and let’s live with them,’ he said.   

He repeated his request for the army’s corp of engineers to come to New York and start fitting out available buildings as hospitals, saying the ‘wave’ of the virus will ‘break’ on New York’s hospital system tomorrow if it they do not. 

‘We have been behind this disease from day one. We saw it develop in China, we weren’t ready and we’ve been playing catch up ever since. 

 ‘We have been behind this disease from day one. We saw it develop in China, we weren’t ready and we’ve been playing catch up ever since.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo 

‘You need to get ahead of this. It’s about the next war. 

‘The next war is going to be overwhelming our hospital systems.’ 

Cuomo has already pleaded with the federal government to mobilize the army corp of engineers to fit out buildings in New York to turn them into temporary hospitals. 

There are more than 700 cases in New York State, almost half of them are in New York City. 

Cuomo revealed that there are only 50,000 hospital beds in the entire state and only 3,000 of them are in intensive care units. 

‘The only hope we have at this late date is retrofit existing facilities. 

Trump said on Friday that the virus was under 'tremendous control' in the US

Trump said on Friday that the virus was under ‘tremendous control’ in the US 

‘Get some of the people from the hospitals into those new medical facilities and back fill the beds with coronavirus. States can’t build – it’s the army corp of engineers. 

‘Let them come in today. Today. Time is short,’ he warned. 

As of Tuesday at 9am, bars and restaurants across New York City are being ordered to close their doors and only allow deliveries to people. 

It is unclear how long those rules will apply. 

The city’s subway system remains open but people who can avoid it are being urged to. 

Public schools are now closed until April and private schools have taken it upon themselves to also close. 

Gatherings of more than 50 people are now banned across the country. 

As of Monday morning, there were more than 3,000 cases of the virus in America and 69 people had died.  

New York City is all but shut down. Broadway has been closed since Friday, bars and restaurants will close on Tuesday morning

New York City is all but shut down. Broadway has been closed since Friday, bars and restaurants will close on Tuesday morning 

New York State has the highest number of cases in the country with more than 700. Above, a drive-thru testing facility in New Rochelle

New York State has the highest number of cases in the country with more than 700. Above, a drive-thru testing facility in New Rochelle